Hi There !
Is there a way to get the list of a TABLE (new Bubble Component)?
Suppose “Table_A_List_Of_Things”, like we do in Repeating Groups, to manipulate that list?
Tks in advance!
Hi There !
Is there a way to get the list of a TABLE (new Bubble Component)?
Suppose “Table_A_List_Of_Things”, like we do in Repeating Groups, to manipulate that list?
Tks in advance!
Just give up on the table element for now
Way too many features not-copied from the RG element
To be sincere, I like it… way too easy to present data…
But now, I’ve got to create a State (list of Things), manipulate this state, and then present in TABLE.
That’s ridiculous… They should at least give acess to the list of thing inside a table…
For the time being why not setup your Table’s data source to a state, load the Table data into that state and now other elements can refer to that state also?
I’ve done within a Repeating Group… rsrs
We can reffer as a RG, and use table as Display…
Maybe it is a mistake, they forgot. A couple of errors (like the pagination one) already have been fixed after people created bug reports for them. Try a bug report and see whether they will add it.
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