Terminate this workflow doesn't work?

Hello Bubble community :wave:

I find it strange that " Terminate this workflow" doesn’t end the workflow.
I have a workflow like this :point_down:
Screenshot 2022-08-31 at 12.51.29

If debug it “Step-by-step” i see it’s ending the workflow
But when i go to my server logs

Should i replace my “Scheduled API workflow” inside custom event or I should not use Step1 , step2 custom events from image attached :point_up: ?

Thanks for the response :pray:


Hi there, @viquarahmed07… I read your post before you removed the link to the order of operations post, and you were dead on by linking to that post. As you already know, backend workflows trigger as soon as the workflow is triggered, so that’s why you are seeing the behavior you described. As the order of operations post mentions, you could put the backend workflow in a custom event, but if it was me, I would likely go with the first suggestion in that post and have multiple workflow events associated with the button, and I would put conditions at the event level. Have you tried that?



Ok i will try that.
Thanks :+1:

It was not mention in the link regarding the “Terminate this workflow” action/order (that’s why i removed that)

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@mikeloc Adding conditions at the event level works (along with that privacy rule also blocking my conditions)
Thanks :+1:

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5 posts were split to a new topic: Question about terminating workflows