Text photo, photo text page structure responsiveness

We have three elements vertically aligned, and each element has text and photo.

Now, to bring little UX dynamicity, as usual, it has been structured as text-photo (first element), then second is photo-text (second element), and third is text-photo again.

That works on the desktop, but on the mobile it becomes (at least for me as a beginner), text-photo(1), photo-text(2) and text-photo(3).

The “problem” is of having a (1) photo followed by (2) photo, and then text(2) followed with text(3).

How to make the responsiveness to be the same, text-photo-text-photo-text-photo, while actually it has been text-photo, photo-text, text-photo?

Here is an example of two such elements.

You need 2 images that are the same - one in each position. Then when the page is at a certain px-width, you hide the image at the left, and you show the right image.

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@another :wave:

You can use @oliviercoolen’s option. Also another idea: Reverse element positions on mobile - Quick tip!

Hope that helps! :blush:

@j805 www.NoCodeMinute.com

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