The order of text and pics

I’d like for the text that’s associated with the pics in each row to render above each pic as the screen size shrinks. The first and third text/pic pairs do this now, and I suspect it’s because the text is on the left of each pic. The phone/text pair renders with the phone on top of the text when I resize my browser, and I’d like for the text to be on top of that pic upon resize. I wonder if anyone has any ideas to share? Thank you!

Hey @chrismilleratx :wave:

I think this might be what you are looking for. I don’t think there is a no-code way to do it yet. Until someone creates a plugin for it.

Try this out: Reverse element positions on mobile - Quick tip!

Is that what you mean?

Hope that helps! :blush:


For All Your No-Code Education Needs:

This looks like it’s going to work. Thanks!

I’ll work through the exercises and post a follow-up.

Really appreciate it:-)

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No problem @chris31 :blush: