The page keeps loading... it's annoying.... wth is wrong?

Most of the times page loading time is ok… but when it started to hang, it can hang for 15 mins for a page to load… what’s wrong with that… recently has been happening quite frequent… anyone ?

Isnt this also an important thing to be focus on for Bubble??

seems like an issue within your app, check the conditions on page load


Do you have large amounts of data being loaded? Or in-correct search values? It shouldn’t take near that long. I’ve got quite a bit of data loading at initial page load and it never takes longer than a handful of seconds.

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You have bad build quality, this is more often than not related to data structure or bad search practices.

I offer optimization, scalability, and security audits if you want to send me a message.


Usually when the page load is that long it’s because of a dependency failing to load, generally a plugin that is downloading a package.

Try running your app in “safe mode” and checking if the load time goes back to normal. If it does, then its definitely a plugin, and you’ll have to identify the page load using developer tool’s network tab to find the culprit.


may i ask how to check the condition on page load? Thanks Rakshitkumar

This seems to be the case i got quite some plugin in my app, How can i run it in safe mode? and where is developer tool’s network?

Oh nice to hear that you offer the services, but i think i cant pay right now… but thanks tho

What’s your app URL?

Is there a plugin that is causing a library to load very slowly? What part of the page is loading slowly?

On my side I loaded near instant.

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thanks for checking Chris, appreciate that, now it behave back to normal… really hard to predict

If the issue starts happening again, you can access safe mode by hovering over the Preview button for a few seconds and then clicking on one of the Safe Modes

Screenshot 2024-06-27 at 12.19.08

Accessing dev tools differs between browsers/systems. You can generally right click on the page and click “inspect” to open dev tools. You can then access the network tab’s waterfall chart.


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