Today's Outage: April 24 2024

I’m unable to access Bubble, and it looks like there’s an outage. Does anyone know why there have been so many in the last few months? I started building my app about a month ago, and this presents a serious concern.

I’m concerned too - Ive been using bubble for about 2yrs, recommended to a lot of people and helpped start-ups get going using it. It’s reaching the point where there is reputational risk and as a consultant, reputation is everything. I LOVE the platform, I ‘get’ the complexities. I worked at an adtech company that took down a very well known ecomm website on Black Friday due to server load issues… but… for me to keep using and recommending to clients, it is getting harder to defend Bubble as a platform for VC-backed start-ups to use.


Have you heard anything from Bubble about them making changes to it’s reliability? According to Bubble Status, it looks like more frequent outages have been happening since November. I’m curious to know what has been causing the uptick in problems.

Sadly, Bubble just lost a brand new customer. I built half my app and was in the middle of building my database when their service went down. After looking at the status history, there’s no way I’d use Bubble, even if it was free. With a 99.49% uptime guarantee, which appears to be inaccurate and even lower than promised, that means my app will be down for at least a week and a half every year. This is unacceptable. I heard about all the complaints regarding vendor lock-in and increased pricing, but I was still willing to give it a try…until my whole app went down! There’s no way I can get customers if I have an unreliable app, and it’s baffling why a company, who doesn’t even give you an option to pick your own host or server, wouldn’t use multiple servers to ensure their customers’ apps are up 99.99% of the time. No one will trust my company. With so many other choices, like FlutterFlow, Drafbit, Wix Studio, WeWeb, Framer, and Webflow, Bubble is bound to lose its footing in the no-code, low-code world very shortly. I feel sorry for all of you who are currently locked in to Bubble and wish you all the best of luck.

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By no means telling you you’re wrong here, I completely understand having to act in the best interest of your customers. That being said, I would recommend doing some serious digging on some of the other options before pulling the trigger. This is very dependent on the complexity of your app, but I went through WeWeb and Webflow prior to landing on Bubble, and both left a lot to be desired. A lot of these options don’t offer an app builder per se - but a website builder, despite what they claim. I’m very disappointed with Bubble because of these outages, but as far as interface, community forum, plugin availability, and the tutorials they supply to their users - they are exceptional.

Obviously you need the platform to actually be live for it to be exceptional… I really would just like for them to but more effort into addressing these outages and come up with a solution. The number of instances has gone up dramatically since November according to Bubble Status, so it seems like there is something specific causing them. If they can figure this out, and address it - the platform will be great.

They will be releasing a postmortem on yesterday’s outage, if you want to track their response.


Are there alternatives that appear to be more stable. I also started with bubble in it’s very early stages and have been on and off. One of the things I realised quite early on was that I cannot tightly couple bubble with let’s say a core back end because of trust issues. In my development therefore there is minimalistic dependence on bubble except for a light front end in case I have to redo everything from scratch perhaps using a different platform. The recent outages are quite scary for me actually.

I’m also really looking for alternatives… please inbox me with alternative solutions if you have found any?

I think your maths is a bit off there…


haha you made me look

Week and a half = 7 days + 3.5 days = 10.5 days

Bubble’s annual downtime (with your number): 365 days - (365 x 99.49%) = 1.86 days

Nobody likes 1 minute of downtime but yeah there’s a gap there.