Tooltip text on hover?


is there a way to edit the tooltip text on hover background via css?

I can not seem to find the ID for it so I can customise it via css?

You can achieve it using a plugin. The easiest is Tooltips (BDK), which will add nice tooltips to all your elements with Tooltip text. With other plugins you need to manually assign element id’s to tooltips which is also OK if you have only few of them.

thanks for reply…

any way of doing it without plugin?

You can manually integrate but it makes no sense, as some of the plugins which does that are for free.

Thanks ill check some out,

I just thought might of been a quick and easy method with some custom css

like #tooltip {
background-colour: grey;


But can not seem to find the ID because #tooltip doesn’t find it…

thanks again.

This is because native tooltip uses HTML title attribute and you cannot style it: HTML title Attribute

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Now I understand thanks for clearing that for me…

Maybe ill try a plug in…

thanks for your time :slight_smile:

Hey @nookzproducer

You can use Mouse & Keyboard Interactions Plugin & Group focus for making your tooltip text in any design.

Here is mine:

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