Training AI with Bubble Documentation

I am trying to train an AI with all of the Bubble documentation so I can speed up the process of solving my questions.

Does anyone know a way to convert 100% of the Bubble documentation into PDF?

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I am not sure if there is a a way to export the all contents of the docs in one go. However, you can already use the AI by Gitbook to ask questions in natural language to “chat with the docs”:

Might be nice to give it a try.

@Thimo I already tried this but sometimes I need to show my screen to ask something more specific.

Thanks for answering anyway

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I created a python script that scraped all Bubble Documentation and saved to a PDF File.


Whats wrong with the built manual’s AI search?

Could you share this .pdf file? I’ve been wanting to do this for a while but haven’t had the time. Would really be appreciated!


I cannot ask things showing print screens. With other A.I we can do that.