I know this topic has a fair amount of coverage on these forums but I haven’t been able to find anything on here that solves for this problem.
I need to use URL parameters to set a state (text, list) in order to filter a repeating group. The filter is a multi-select language filter so I’m using advanced and intersects with functionality.
I tried using the join with operator but receive the following error when I do:
Here’s the url: https://docsfoxhealth.com/version-test/docs_4?debug_mode=true&specialty=dentist&tag_filters=&min=&max=&date=&filters=&radio=&toggle=no&minrange=0&maxrange=100&languages=Portuguese%2C%20Spanish%2C%20Hindi&areas=
No that’s not what I meant… now you’re just turning the list of texts back into a single text.
I meant, when constructing the URL query parameter, join each item with a comma (instead of letting bubble join them with a comma and space and then encoding them).
The just split it by a comma in the Custom State Value.
Or, if you just split by , in your expression (i.e. an actual comma and an actual space), instead of %2C%20 it should work too.