Does anyone know to create a trending functionality on with the posts with most engagements and words that occur most frequently on posts.
If also could please care to explain how the data type and data field would be structured?
bump -
I would add a number field on post, and increment it with each interaction, and then on Do Search i will sort it with that field and make it decending
Add a field Popularity -> number
and in do Search
add all your constraint which you are using for filtering. but inside the do search -> make it sort by Popularity -> and make it decendign yes
This will give you a list of Post but the one with greater popularity will be on top.
How are you @drixxon i hope you social app is a success
This won’t address your title but purely the ranking by engagement.
Have a ‘score’ number field on the Post. When something happens, like a like, comment, or share, increase the score by a value (e.g 1 for a comment, 2 for a share, and 0.1 for a like).
Have a backend workflow that, each day, multiplies the score of each post by 0.9. That effectively means a post’s score will decay by 10% each day.
To avoid performing that on potentially a huge number of posts each day, stop doing that 60 days after the post is made or something.
going very well, always looking to make my workflows more efficient