Two types of contents in a repeating group but visible to all users in frontend

I have a main newsfeed page with a scrolling repeating group. But I want the repeating group to display slightly different cell design and content depending on the type of post.

I have two type of posts, offer and demand. I have added a new yes or no field( IsEnquiry) in the “post” data type. In the RG, I can use two groups so that only one is visible when IsEnquiry is YES. I want both users with “IsEnquiry” YES and No to be able to see all post in the RG in the front end. How do i get this done?

You’ve pretty much described how to do it right there… i.e. have two groups in the RG cell, and determine which one to display depending on the value of the IsEnquiry field (although personally I’d use an Option Set for that)…

Is there something specific you’re having trouble with?

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You are right. I was overthinking it. Thank you.

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