New to bubble, would appreciate some feedback in regards to the mechnism used to fetch data.
I.e → consider a seller, buyer, reviews scenario.
Seller has listed items, and history of sold items
buyer can browse sellers items, and history of purchased items
both can leave reviews for each others.
3 user roles identified already at registeration. How to pool these items back into their respective profiles/tabs?
Roughly attempted to query by using all sellers items to keep it simple in to a repeating group box, debugging seems to display the record, but its not rendering in the box.
Any simplified explanation on exact methodology of how to query DB with constraints greatly appreciated.
Do a search for Listings where Seller = Current page’s Seller (find all of the listings for the current page’s seller)
Do a search for Listings where Seller = Current page’s Seller, and Do a search for Order (User = Current User):each item’s Listings (find all of the Orders the user has made, and return the Listing attached to each order)
Review needs a field ‘public’ (yes/no) as well as the written by (User), date posted (date), content (text), rating (number). Privacy rules such that this review is visible when This Review’s public is yes or This Review’s User is Current User.
Option set for User Type. Buyer, Seller, maybe Admin. Have ‘when page is loaded’ workflows that takes users away (e.g on your admin page, when page is loaded, go to index when Current User’s User Type is not Admin)
thx for prompt reply, for some reason pooling into a group box doesnt render the results, the debugger displays reasons in image… is loading: no | this element visible: no | but query results are displayed in debugger menu
Update: Solution is to simply add a group box, then add on top the structure (text, image, etc) in form of elements and link it by select Parent group. that ensures display