[Update March 5, 2020] BDK Native Apps v1.7 released

Hi @gaurav I installed your BDK plugin as one of my plugins, and then through Testflight installed BDK Native. What should I do to display my website in ios format using BDK Native app. What do i need to change inside settings? Can you provide an example of one random website and step by step? I tried to add my website domain inside the app settings but that did not do anything as the app was just displaying loading animation of BDK logo. Thanks.

Hi @yousuf.moham,
You’re on the right track!
As mentioned in the documentation, add the workflow step ‘BN - Remove Loading’ to your bubble app when page is loaded to remove the splash screen :slight_smile:

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If you have it to true & have device and os that supports image editing at OS level, it will allow the user to crop / edit images before it comes back to your bubble app.
I suggest try it out on say an iPhone X on iOS 12 or similar newer phones on latest OS

I added ‘BN - Remove Loading’ into my Workflow and then pushed it live but I dont see my website loading up inside BDK app. Did set correct settings for the BDK app. Please confirm if the logic is correct. Example: Uber

Link to open on app load: uber.com/native
app domain: uber.com

If I am testing it inside iOS app, do I need to do anything else?

Do i need to do anything inside the screenshot below?

Gotta add https:// to the link to open on load. Note that you can force remove the splash screen by tapping it. If your page was loaded you would then see it

Is this how the editor should look like or am I missing workflows? I’m testing on iOS 12.4 and it looked before the update the same. Only able to crop 1:1 photos that is not practical always.

Is editing supported on android too?

Hi @gaurav - is this something in the pipeline?

Hi @dos,

It appears I misjudged it. Unfortunately the easy approach I was thinking actually didn’t work out on implementing :frowning: I’m looking into alternatives that work on both iOS and Android but that a relatively longer bit of work.

At the moment I’ve prioritized some other stuff e.g. version-test mode that will potentially be more useful across the board. But I’ll get back to this in due course.

I bought your plugin but am stuck right at the start. I can’t seem to attach a onsignal id to a user. I have my own onesignal account and put the right fields in the 2 mentioned in the docs (app info and rest api).

I don’t see any way to even attach a onesignal id. Totally lost.


  1. Your own onesignal account ID and api key will be used when you purchase your own native app. Previewing using the demo app will use the demo app’s onesignal account.

  2. Can you elaborate what you mean by ‘attach onesignal id to user’? Are you not able to see the player ID output in the appinfo element?

  3. If your question is to send test push notifications, the BN - push notification has a preview mode field. As mentioned in the documentation, make sure this is yes if you’re testing using the demo app.

I purchased your plugin.

I followed the instructions (I think) but I can’t seem to get a user to be added to my onesignal subscribers. I don’t see anything with appinfo…There are NO player IDs at all on my onesignal account…

I am not using the demo app for anything at all and am using your paid plugin plus my own onesignal account which should be setup correctly.

The plugin allows you to build and test native app features via the demo app. For your own native app, you’ve got to purchase the service. Please see BDK Native Apps - Build before you buy

You get users added to your onesignal subscribers when you purchase the BDK Native Service, not the plugin.

Subscribers will be added to onesignal dashboard upon the first request to their service, once you start using a bdk plugin not in the preview mode. Get the player id from the appinfo and save it to the user thing.

Just to clarify here:

  1. When you’re using the preview mode to test your app, the player ID you get is that from the BDK Native Demo app onesignal account
  2. When you get your own native app built, the player ID you get is that from your own onesignal account.
  3. The reason for this is that OneSignal app id is harcoded into the native app binary file.

Player ID is a unique ID generated by Onesignal for a given device for a given Onesignal App ID. This is just like your bubble app user getting different Unique IDs on signing up for different bubble apps.

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What did I purchase for 16$ then?

The plugin component of the BDK Native Apps service. If that wasn’t actually what you were looking for, please email bubble and request them to process a refund.

I don’t know how to say in a different way that I have purchased your product, it’s what I wanted, and I am trying to set it up with my own (again purchased) installation of your service AND my own onesignal account.

  1. step1

Entered the information as illustrated in “# 0. The Native Apps (bdk) plugin” including the "- Add the workflow ‘BN - Remove loading’ on page load, even though I imagine it doesn’t tie into onesignal but I added it just in case.

  1. AppInfo (documentation) - Placed an appinfo element on my only page as noted below:

  2. Workflow:

Both a trigger and a delayed trigger by 5 second trigger are made.


  1. Run the element action ‘refresh appinfo’ from any Appinfo element…There is no “refresh appinfo” So I assumed you meant “BN-Refresh”. If I click on the “enter your api key button” I am taken to the plugin page with the info already put in. I can’t tell if this is supposed to show like this or once the configuration is done correctly that button will change.

This is where I am at. I can’t do push notifications because the player ID isn’t being generated for the user.

I’m confused… have you started a project and purchased the BDK Native Service (BDK Native) ? If so could you PM me your project code?

Version 1.5 Update, September 22, 2019. Release notes

‘Change App Launch Page’ feature

You can change the page link that opens on app launch through a simple ’ Launch page - Set ’ workflow step. When the app is closed and opened it will open the new link, until the launch page is reset using the ’ Launch page - Reset ’ workflow step.

These workflows impact only the device on which they are run, thereby opening up useful possibilities like:

  • Setting the launch page to your ‘version-test’ app to build and test native features without deploying to live
  • Try different launch pages with different users to choose the one which your users like the best
  • Opens up testing similar to traditional ‘A/B testing’ but in apps built on bubble & turned native via bdk native

To upgrade, simply navigate to your project page. If you haven’t started a BDK Native project yet, start one now

Documentation link
Try the feature in demo app


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Hai gaurav,
I have a web site with seperate page for mobile. That means i make two page for same page(one is for pc and other is for mobile)

Can i use your native app features in my mobile page? For example if i want to scan bar code: i need to use device camera.

Also can i use this pluging(all) for other wrappers?