Hello everyone, I looked elsewhere without finding my answer.
I have a list (with a table element) that is filtered by item order from largest to smallest.
Currently when I want to update the position which corresponds to the index (in 1 the one which has the most points) I must click in each cell to update this position.
Is there a way to update this position automatically with just one click? What would be ideal but not obligatory is that this list could be updated in the WF backend
Thanks for your help. (I tried the orchestra plugin but it doesn’t work for me because the list must be displayed and visible in its entirety.)
Olá @gary45, e não daria para organizar por data de alteração, conforme meu exemplo ordenando minha tabela pessoas por data de alteração, só uma ideia.
When I click on the button the given position updates on this line from the 1st to the last (about 40 positions) so currently I click 40 times to update everything.
I would like to update this data in one click on the whole table from the 1st with the most points to the last with the fewest points) and as explained above, if it can be done in the backend WF would be great.
Ola, acredito que você possa adicionar mais de um filtro ali em: add another sort field. Não faz sentido clicar para atualizar. Parece que está faltando uma ação no momento da alteração , por exemplo alterei a pontuação do terceiro colocado, mas organizar por pontos e data de alteração e mais filtros outros campos de organização. Mas realmente eu acredito que está faltando atualizar no momento de alguma alteração, pode ser até no momento do alterar o dado inserido ou salvar o novo dado. Obrigado.
I don’t know if this idea is usable, because in the idea, I would like this data to be carried out when the Total points Change (not necessarily with the table visible)
it’s quite simple, it’s a championship system which has several events, and the only data which differentiates one from the other for the general classification is the number of points.
But for multiple reasons and functionality I need a ranking by position from number 1 to xxx to be updated as soon as an event is completed.
Olha só, um tempo atrás eu dei um inicio de um controle pra minha filha, nesse mundo de jogos em freefire, eu fiz algumas coisas mas a gente parou o projeto, minha filha tem os afazeres dela e eu as minhas mas tenho essas telas de visualização e de alteração de pontos. veja a tela em print. Qualquer coisa te mando link para voce dar uma olhada nesse projeto meu e da minha filha que esta parado.
Then on my page in a WF, button or whatever you want to call this WF API and indicate on which list you want to update the position. added a sort (in my case the total points)
In sorted order started at 1
And there you have it, this way you can now under API call, anywhere, anytime in your application update the position and save that order from the 1st to the given xxx of this list.