Updating quantity?

Hi, I’m trying to build an inventory tracker app (management) This is my data


  • [ ] Customer - Customer
  • [ ] Number
  • [ ] Price
  • [ ] Quote-date - Date
  • [ ] Due date - Date
  • [ ] Paid-status - Yes/no with no default
  • [ ] Paid-date
  • [ ] Items - List of products/services
  • [ ] PDF - File


  • [ ] Name
  • [ ] Description
  • [ ] Quantity - Number
  • [ ] Rate - Number
  • [ ] Total - Number

My question is : How can I update my material’s quantity when i generate my quote ?

So are you saying, after you generate a quote you want to subtract that quote’s quantity from the quantity of the product?

Yes I would like to subtract the product quantity on my product page

Yes exactly

After the quote is created, you can do a Make a Change to the product in that quote, and the quantity would be the quantity of the product - the number in the order.

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