Thanks Adam. How would I do that? I’ve tried to do it directly to the Subscription End Date under the 'Make changes to Billing" but it doesn’t seem to be working…
It depends what the current_period_end is being saved as…
if it’s a number you can just multiply it by 1000
If it’s a text then just add 3 zeros…
If you’re currently saving the request data for current_period_end as a date, then you’ll want to change that and save it as a number so that you can multiply it by 1000.
Yep. I’ve done that - i.e. kept the Sub End Date as a date field in the DB and changed the format to number in the API request but bubble doesn’t seem to like it.
I’m surprised Bubble doesn’t accept a number for a date here (I know it does on the front end, so assumed it would here too)…
But I was going to suggest, if it definitely doesn’t, to use a plug-in to convert the unix timestamp to a date (which is how I do it, and it works perfectly for me in all my apps)…
So, if you’ve tried that, and that’s not working either, then I’m all out of ideas… (the plug-in not working doesn’t make any sense to me??.)…
Hi Adam - sorry for the misunderstanding here - the plugin does work (in terms of Bubble accepting it). Just waiting now for one of my test data to update in the next few days so i can see whether the backendworkflow works. Thanks again for all your help - really appreciate it.