URL Parameter Filtering for Events in a Repeating Group

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to filter a repeating group by a page URL parameter. For example, I have a repeating group of buttons that display category names. When I press one of the categories, I get the page URL parameter, such as category=sport. However, the repeating group doesn’t show all the events related to the ‘sport’ category.

How can I fix this?

Hi @galliaeran,

It seems that the current setup isn’t functioning properly when checking if the list of categories [list of references] contains the sport [text].

To resolve this, please ensure that you pass the category ID to the category parameter.

it work but now the slug not look good.
is it possible to make the slug with the category name?

Yes by using set a thing's slug

But then i use 2 workflows.
Is it the best solution?

yes. As you know setting slug for thing comes after creating the thing .

so now, when I press on the category button its show all the events from the same category however the slug shows the ID of that field.

I don’t understand why to use “set a thing’s slug”, is there a way to show the category name? for example - why I cant use the category name instead of the category ID?

Plus, when I tried to use “set things slug” it didn’t work