User-created workflows/automation

I am once again asking for your help.

I have a CRM type app - I would like my users to be able to create their own “workflows”, that allows them to trigger specific actions such as:

Send emails
Create tasks
Change statuses

(All this data is built already).

I want the user to be able to do something like this:

When data type (equals/les than/more than) then action.

I think I can build something that allows them to run this at the press of a button, but this is more of a “rule” that would fire whenever the criteria is met.

Firstly, is this possible? If yes, what’s the level of complexity?

Thanks for your time

I have an Automations feature in one of my apps I’m currently building. I’m simply setting up the workflow for each automation which has a condition that runs only when the user has this automation activated.

This is not the best approach as you would need to create a workflow in Bubble for every possible automation scenario and run them on conditionals, so I’d be interested to learn a better approach here too.

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This is helpful actually thank you, I think I’ll build this as well, so I can provide some “pre-configured” rules right out of the box.

Looking forward to seeing what the community comes up with here!

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Bumping this.

I have a data type “Task” - I want the user to be able to trigger a task based off another data type.

For example, “When {Opportunity’s stage is Closed Won} create {Task}”.

They key thing is that the user has to be able to select which data type and event triggers the task.

Any ideas?

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Hey @jamie.robson.89 :wave:

So, when the stage is ‘Closed Won’ then you can have a workflow that sends to the backend workflow called ‘Create Tasks’. You can then search for all of the automations that the user has and then run a workflow to create each of dataTypes.

You should have a dataType that looks something like this:

Automation -

  • Name (text)
  • Data Type (Option set of the different dataTypes that you want to offer/have)
  • Event Trigger (Option set of the different types of events)
  • Parent Company/User it is attached to. (Depending on your user roles.)

So on the backend workflow called ‘Create Tasks’, you would then search for all of the automations that have the event trigger called ‘Stage is Closed Won’ or something like that. Then run through each of your automations one at a time, either with a loop or on a list of things, to then create the task that the automation is supposed to create.

Does that makes sense? I have done this before and it is an awesome feature to have. You just need to create an automation for each of the events that you want it to be triggered by.

This is one of my favorite things to work on in Bubble.

Hope that helps a bit. Any questions? :blush:

Thanks for this, this is helpful but I think only gets me half way there (unless I’m misunderstanding).

I’d like to avoid having to go in and specify all of the possible events, there could be literally hundreds - is there a way that I can have a series of dropdowns that the user selects, and they choose what happens?

Sticking with the opportunity example:

When [Data Type] is [Data Field] then [Create Data Type]

Does that make sense?

The whole point is that the user should be able to create their own task based on anything, otherwise I have to either try and create a “catch all” which is time consuming and non-flexible, or I have to create every automation for them on request, which of course isn’t scalable and something my competitors offer.

You can try doing a backend workflow called ‘database trigger’. Would that make it a bit easier? I normally avoid them, but just make sure to have a condition to only do the workflow action if that data field changes.

Hope that helps a bit more. :blush: