User/Things geographic heatmap on Bubble

Hi there :slight_smile:

Did someone already manage to build a heatmap on Bubble?
What I am trying to achieve here is to show a map (the map provider don’t matter) and show the heat of all users positions. So we can visually see where is there most of the users, …

Do you know such a third-party service that could work with Bubble to achieve such a map?

Cheers :baby_chick:

Here’s the ideal render I can hope for :

Or at least something like this :

I created one recently using google maps api and JavaScript.


Do you have a backend link or can share some more information?


This Heatmap Layer  |  Maps JavaScript API  |  Google Developers
LMK if you need assistance.

I appreciate it! Thanks.

Hi Shawn,
I’m new to this stuff and I’m trying to build an application that has a dashboard like this at its core. I’m wondering if you’re interested in giving me a hand getting this going?