Using bubble as the Backend of an App

The majority of my customers would benefit from having a native App.
I looked into wrapping my bubble mobile-SPA into an app, however it seems like it has inferior functionality and feel to truly native apps.

I was thinking of building the frontend of my app on a more native-focused low code tool, and powering it with bubble’s backend using the Data API, but mainly workflow APIs with Return Data from API to return nested and specific datafields/relations.

Ive already tested Authentication and some basic API calls. But i was wondering whether anybody has done something similar? Is there anything i should know before starting?

We built our mobile app in a second Bubble app but its powered by an API set up in the main apps workflow API. Works quite well.

You should do some tests to find out your estimated Worflow Usages then calculate the monthly costs using the WU tool somewhere in the pricing page i think (i don’t have the link on hand).

Make sure you are okay with the potential costs before committing.