Using Created Date in Constraints

Here’s an easy way to use Created Date as a constraint. Instead of an advanced filter. Reason this is better is because advanced filters will load everything within your Search For constraints and that might be a lot more than you’d need which affects performance.

In this example I’m looking for something that was created Today.



This will work with date ranges
Putting this up for my own reference but hope this little trick can help others!

Just out of interest… why the minus 1 minute on the second constraint? (that will include things created during the last minute of yesterday, so not a very accurate way to constrain your search to Today)…

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The current date rounded down to day gave me Today at 12:00am and since I am using the “more than” operator, i want to set it to Yesterday at 11:59pm.

But now that u mentioned it, i just realized i didn’t account for the milliseconds. Thanks for the spot!

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