Hey everyone:
I’ve been observing some other mobile sites - and I’m interested to hear if any veteran
Bubblers can reverse engineer the following:
The example I will use is facebook’s mobile site: (View the site on mobile to better understand)
1.It appears they are using something similar to an "infinite scroll" that Bubble uses ; the difference is, Facebook’s infinite scroll seems to be part of the page itself. Whereas Bubbles infinite scroll is an isolated container, separate from the page.
Two problems arise here:
a) the repeating group (infinite scroll) has a minor lag in smoothness - because of the separation from the page itself
b) on Safari iOS there is a footer navigation tab (part of the browser), which will hide when a user starts scrolling down - however - because the repeating group is a separate container, the browser does not acknowledge the scroll, as a page scroll - and the footer will not disappear.
(That footer is taking up prime screen real estate)
Can anyone think of an alternative that could mimic the "infinite scroll" that facebooks mobile site uses?
2.Facebook has a navigation bar at the top of its webpage. This navigation bar disappears when a user scrolls beyond it…
This is interesting, because it means that this navigation bar is not a floating group, it is ingrained in the page itself - BUT - if I were to place a similar navigation bar, in my infinite scroll repeating group - the navigation bar will be in each cell of the repeating group… which would be complete insanity form a users perspective
I don’t know how I could achieve this effect either…
I have thought maybe a condition that states "when this repeating groups scrolling position is greater than (beyond) X# cells - this navigation bar is not visible"
But even then… I don’t think that can be done yet, and that would likely be difficult to
implement on Bubbles end.
Anyway! At the very least; food for thought. If anyone has any ideas on this,
I’d be interested to hear.
Granted Facebook has an army of developers, and although Bubble is a seriously promising company/product; I don’t expect it to be able to do everything (yet :expressionless:…)