Hi Bubblers,
I’m at that cross-road in my no-code journey where I need to hire an experienced Bubble.io developer.
I completed about 60% of my app on my own and I’m pleased with the results. However, the remaining 40% will require a bit more than I can give it in terms of coding logic. To be honest, the learning curve would be more time than I’m willing to commit to if I continued on my own.
I’m looking for someone who has deep experience in building chats/messaging, APIs, SMS. These functionalities will be included in my PHASE II release of the app.
I would like to know if there is a formal hub where I can preview profiles of Bubble Developers or is this the proper channel for this type of request. I trust the credibility of Bubble and the Developers in the community and I don’t want to go outside the community resource for assistance.
Please direct me on the proper channels and/or let me know if you have any referrals I may consider.
Thank you for all who responded to this post, I appreciate your time.
I want to be a bit more specific on my needs for my project.
I am looking for Certified Bubble Developers who provide coaching for this first wave of assistance. This is the most feasible for me, at least until I see if my app is market-accepted, then I will advance to a more hands-on-approach for release of phase II and excise a bigger budget. My project is already 60% complete and I can actually eliminate a few features and be closer to 80% complete. It just more practical to have a coach to lead me to the first milestone on the pre-launch.
I hope this clarifies my needs and help those who are looking for this kind of project to consider.
If you still need an experienced Bubble developer and who is Bubble certified, would love to discuss more. Feel free to schedule a call with me at Calendly - Paul Beresuita