Hi bubblers !
When I started building some apps with bubble I didn’t think I would learn Javascript and also create some plugins.
4-5 months later, I think have good skills with JS (for a beginner). And I succeeded to build some toy plugins.
(A thousand thanks to @vini_brito to publishing open source plugins. It was by looking at your code that I understood how we make plugins).
Usually, I find the solution by reading the bubble manual or looking on the forum. But here, I am completely lost…
I’m trying to build a client side action that access a list of things, test the value of this things and publish the result (as things) in a list.
Here is what I did to try to understand :
This simple script test numbers in DB before « theNB »
Firstly, how can I deal with « app type » ?
For instance, if I define a type in the editor, the following fields are not restrict to this type. -
Secondly, how can I tell to Bubble : I want you to check all this things and the value to check is… ?
In this exemple, I told to Bubble to searching all ’nb’ in the things « nb to check » (in DB). But how can I have retrieve the thing relative to this thing ?
That is to say, must I define a field in my plugin « treat only with all this things », and a second field in my plugin « treat with this value in the things ». -
Finally, how can I return a list of things (in this case return a list of things of ’nb to check’) instead of returning the list of tested number (in this case it’s return [nb1, nb2…]?
According to different Bubble post, I’m right if I say that client side action can’t return data (« result of step X ») ? (without use this tips : Output an object for server-side/client-side )
Is it possible to return this list of thing « nb to search » in a custom state « list of nb to check » and use this list with the excellent list shifter plugin from @Keith ?
Or maybe i’m totally wrong and I should use an element and place the result as an exposed state ?
Hope my English is good