Which Backend Bubble is Using? Concerning RTDB

Hi guys! Does anyone here know which backend bubble is using? I suspect AWS, can someone confirm? If so, does that mean we automatically benefit from AWS infrastructure? OR is it possible or practical for bubble to separate their DB management? I actually just wanna know if we are having a real time database here. Any response is appreciated. Thank you!

Hi @curioshop8,

I don’t know if Bubble has a specific page that goes into what their tech stack looks like, but if you take a look at their security page they mention AWS

Secured with AWS

Bubble is built on AWS, which supports 143 security standards and compliance certifications.

You could also just do a general search of this question on the forum – I’m sure there’ll probably be some answers on the forum :slight_smile:


Yes, they use Postqgre SQL hosted on RDS.

And yes, changes are immediate.


Hi @johnny ,

Got it! I appreciate this :slight_smile:

Gotcha! Thanks! @senecadatabase :slight_smile: