Which navigator should we use with editor?

Hi everyone,

Since I started with Bubble, everyday, I experiment severals “crashes” of my navigator (Chrome is my default navigator).

I made some other tests with Firefox & Edge with the same results

Is someone knows the “Best to use with Bubble” navigator ?

Many thanks

Chrome is the recommended web browser. If you’re having a ton of crashes it means your computer’s gpu and cpu are too small for your app size. I used to have issues but after upgrading my machine I don’t anymore.

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Chrome kept crashing for me, too. Opera and Brave have worked much better.

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I use Chrome but I also use a Chrome extension that monitors memory usage, and disables tabs that aren’t being used., which significantly helped with Bubble.

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Hello there,

I agree that GPU and CPU performance can impact your experience, but here’s another approach to consider.

When I first started working with Bubble.io, I also encountered frequent crashes and bugs. In my case, the issue was related to heavy loads on the editor, especially when I had too many workflows and elements packed into a single page.

What helped me overcome this was utilizing Reusable Elements to separate workflows and content across different components. While reusable elements are typically designed for sections that are used repeatedly, they can also be an excellent way to organize your app. Properly structuring your app with reusable elements and maintaining clear naming conventions can not only reduce the likelihood of crashes but also streamline your build process.

I hope this gives you some insight and helps improve your Bubble.io experience. Good luck!

MB Seo

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Chrome became basically unusable due to the windows efficiency setting that cant be turned off for some reason… switched to Arc and havent had any issues since.

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Hi Alex, Thank you for responding. My computer is a 6 old month gamer PC. And I have to mention that few weeks ago, everything works well with Chrome.
Thank you

Hello Samnichols,
Ok thank you for your answer. I’m gonna try them. Brave seems to have a good reputation.
Many thanks

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Hi everyone,

Thank you for your supports and messages. Always so helpfull to have feedback & idea. And as a french speaking guy, I will do my best to respond in the language of Shakespeare :wink:

@msgiblin : thank you for your message. Can you share the name of this Chrome extension ?

@if.started : Thank you for your post. You’re right :
• I’m working on a SPA,
• With many workflows (around 800 but very light ones for more than 95%)
• And I don’t use reusable elements. Especially because I have some trouble with being able to use them with customs states of elements on the main page (Maybe I missed something). But, ok, I will reconsider the use of reusable elements and try to use them in a way or another.

@jacob2 : I never heard about Arc → I’m gonna try it too. Thank you for this information

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Sure thing! The one I use is called Memory Saver:

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Thank you. Hope this ext. will become my new best friend :wink: Have a nice day

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hi @samnichols , this message for feedback : Brave works very well. Thank you

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You bet!

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