Why does the Bubble API response only show the first 100 objects?

Why does the Bubble API response only show the first 100 objects?
I’d like to see all objects in “Typename” but it only shows the first 100/. It says "remaining": 43, "count": 100 maybe it’s a payment thing? Anyone know?

Almost every API work like this… you have to use an “offset” in your request parameter to keep “jumping” from pages…

As an example, Gmail do the same. imagine load all your emails right after you login into your account… :sweat_smile:

The best solution is to use the offset to do the pagination….

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I searched “Offset” in the Bubble API docs but couldn’t find anything, could you give an example of a request URL with the offset parameter?

Edit: Got it

So you if you divide the total by 100, you can check how many pages you will need for your pagination! :+1: