Why is "List to run on" not working in Schedule API Workflow? :(

Hi Bubble community,

I’m trying to use “Schedule API Workflow on a List” in my workflow, and I’m setting “List to run on” to the result of an API call:
Result of step 5 (API Call)'s list.

However, it doesn’t work. Bubble shows an error, and I can’t proceed.

The API returns a list of items, and everything looks fine in the API Connector. But for some reason, Bubble won’t recognize it in the workflow.

What am I doing wrong? Why isn’t this working?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  • and, I 'used ‘Create a new thing…’ in 'Result of step 5 (API Call)‘s list.’ to retrieve the data normally,

but it is not written in the form of a list, and everything is written in one column, so I am trying again to write it in the form of a list.

Result of step 5 is not a list. It’s ahrd to help you without knowing the result of step 5… Be sure that it’s also match the type of things (should be somthing like Imweb… API list).

Finally, the order_no and name, should probably not be LIST and should use This item order_no and This item order name.

My question is lacking, but thank you for your kind reply.

The values that call the API are as follows. Among them, I would like to import ‘order_no’ and ‘order_name’ and link them.

Unfortunately it still doesn’t work out, I’d appreciate it if you could help me a little more. :slight_smile:

I think you are mixing things.
A) DB thing that you want to update/create (according to screenshot: Order_STANDBY2)
B) API Request list of order (according to your screenshot Imweb Get Orders_STANDBY_data’s list

So You need to set the Schedule on a list on the type of the API connector list (Imweb Get Standby Data’s list). The Schedule on a list will have two field (text, and not list) “order_no” and “name” The list to run on could be the Step 5 Imweb API - API Imweb get orders_STANDBY_data’s list OR directly the API Call Get data from API … Imweb get orders_STANDBY data’s list. The order_no and name field should be set with something that start with “This” (probably This standby data’s list order_no and This standby data’s list name). Order_standby2 items using the field from the scheduled workflow I guess tocheck if order_no already exist (update with Do a search for… where order_no = order_no) or Create one if it doesn’t exist.

In the scheduled workflow, this is where you will make a change or create

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Thanks to you, I am truly grateful to be able to save it in the form of a list. But I am experiencing a new problem, could you please help me?

I want the result value to be saved as one record per case. However, there was a problem that multiple data in one record were duplicated and written.

Current )
1 : A,B,C,D
2 : A,B,C,D
3 : A,B,C,D
4 : A,B,C,D

I want )
1 : A
2 : B
3 : C
4 : D

I would be so grateful if you could tell me how to solve this :slight_smile:

Please read my post again. I’ve tell you to use THIS item order no and name and not result of step… and also to remove list for the fields settings (screenshot 2). When you schedule a workflow on a list, the fields are for each item in the scheduled list. You need to refer them as THIS.

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Oh my god… thanks to you, I was able to solve it, I’ve been having a lot of troubles with this for over 7 days, thank you so much

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