Why Is My Empty Index Page Taking 24 Seconds to Load?

Hi everyone,

I’m experiencing a major performance issue with my app’s index page. The page contains only a single text element: “Welcome to clicflo.com”—no workflows, no custom HTML, no CSS, and no additional elements. However, it takes 24 seconds to load.

Steps I Took to Improve Load Time:

To test/check I deleted all content, elements, and data from the index page, but the page still takes 17.53 seconds to load.

Developer Tools > Network Analysis:

  • index/version-test (document) → 8.83 sec
  • dynamic.js (script) → 6.95 sec
  • static.js (script) → 6.33 sec

Preview Mode Load Times:

  • Safe Mode (No Plugins & No HTML): 3.97 sec
  • Safe Mode (No Plugins): 7.89 sec
  • Normal Preview Mode: 17.53 sec

My Observations:

  • The installed plugins are loading on the index page, even though no plugins are used there.
  • Custom HTML also seems to be loading, despite the fact that no custom HTML is used on this page.
  • static.js & dynamic.js are loading, but I’m not sure why they are needed for an empty page.

My Questions:

  1. Why is Bubble loading all plugins on the index page, even though they are not used?
  2. Where are the extra HTML, JavaScript (static.js & dynamic.js), and CSS coming from?
  3. How can I optimize the index page to load in 2–3 seconds? Deleting all plugins isn’t an option since they are needed on other pages.

The first step is just speeding up this empty page. Once that’s resolved, I’ll focus on further optimizations.

Would appreciate any insights or solutions!


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This can happen if you have a lot of hidden elements on a single page app not using reusable elements

Many plugins are adding headers to your website so many of these “scripts/external files” get loaded on each page, i just loaded the page and got an console errror with a script your app/or the user doenst have access to, may the get request takes too long until it timesout or reached some kind of request limit

You could try optimize your application under the settings tab → General → Optimize Application

you could, if you want to, replace plugins with bubble logic or raw code

Give me the plugins and use cases I will tell you if it is replaceable with alternatives and downsides

Thank you for your response. There is nothing on the page except a single text element (no hidden elements), and it is not a single-page app.

By the way, hidden elements are not loaded by Bubble until they are shown or animated. I tested this in the developer tools.

Thanks for your input. I have 97 plugins installed in my app, and I know they are slowing it down. I’ve already started working on this by uninstalling unused plugins. Next, I’ll analyze which plugins are used for what purpose, how to replace them, and which ones are taking the longest to load.

Once I have a shortlist, I’ll share it with you for further guidance.

One of the biggest issues with Bubble is that it loads all installed plugins on every page load, even if they are not used on that specific page.

Thank you for your insights! I appreciate your suggestions.

I try optimizing the app using Settings > General > Optimize Application and look into replacing certain plugins with Bubble logic or raw code where possible.

Is there a way to check the loading time of individual plugins or get a list of all plugin loading times instead of uninstalling them one by one and checking manually?

I want to identify which plugins are causing the most delay without the trial-and-error approach of uninstalling each one separately.

Any suggestions on how to do this efficiently?

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did you try running your app without plugins to determine if its a plugin or maybe something else?


Yes I have mentioned this in my main post.

Preview Mode Load Times:

  • Safe Mode (No Plugins & No HTML): 3.97 sec
  • Safe Mode (No Plugins): 7.89 sec
  • Normal Preview Mode: 17.53 sec

I remember once I faced this issue due to a reusable element on the page. Do you have any reusable elements in your index page ?

No. Just a text.

Did you try the navigation from an empty page to another empty page like your “index” page ? does it load slowly as well ?

I haven’t tried navigating to an empty page yet, but navigating to other non-empty pages is also slow.

So far, I’ve uninstalled about 20 plugins out of 97, and it has improved the page load speed. I’m still working on replacing more plugins with Bubble logic to further optimize performance.

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Only deleting plugins will definetly have positive impact on your performance. I believe you might even find out which one specifically caused this latency.

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This is a nightmare. A lot of plugins author include shared script in header while they should put this in element instead. Sadly, it’s hard to find if they are paid plugins. But for free one, you can check plugin code to find that.

Anyway, cleaning unused plugin is always a good thing to do :wink:


Indeed. The only reliable fix here is to copy/fork the plugin code and change it.

But we should have some sort of tool to detect how much a plugin is going to slow down your app.
I’ll discuss that with the team.