Workflow error - Temporary bug

I meant this one too…

I don’t think Bubble realises that we do actually know what we’re talking about - the experienced people here DO seem to know better than the Bubble Product team right now what Bubble needs. And it’s us experienced users that provide the bulk of Bubble’s revenue by being agencies, supplying dedicated apps, or building good apps for long term clients…

I mean, I’m kind of just lost for words. Bubble IS under a mountain of technical debt (they’rve implicitly acknowledged this) but jesus christ, when that happens you TEST IN STAGING, NOT IN PRODUCTION. Yes, we know ‘oh, shared cluster - one version only!’ - that’s a feature of your bad design, not ours. If you’re going to consistently push breaking updates live (like it seems happened today), let us choose updates, come on.

So much to say but still feeling speechless…