Workflow Loop in a Repeating Group

I need your help because my workflow is not working.
I want to download all my .pdf invoices and put them in the .pdf field. To retrieve them I go through an API request with a block_hash as they are on the blockchain. I’d like to copy them into the database. To do this, I’ve created a button with a workflow, below. But this only creates one new piece of data. I want to modify all the invoices in my repeating group.

Do I need to use a workflow backend?

Thanks for your help.

You do need to use a backend workflow and do a recursive workflow. Which means to Schedule the dame Backend Workflow at the end of each run until it completes running for the list.

For this kind of stuff I use List Popper and Friends plugin which allows you to input a list into one step of the workflow. It will take the first item out of the list and process it through tthe following step(s), then you reschedule the same backend workflow and feed it the “Remaining list” from the first step (list popper) and put a conditional on the last step to run Only When the Remaining List is not Empty, that way it will iterate, each time removing one item from the list and processing it while passing the remaining list for the next iteration until its done.

If you want to do this in the front end there is a plugin called Simple Looper by Vini Brito that does exactly this but in the front end, although I wouldnt recommend it since this functionality is already built into bubble…

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