Xero Oauth2.0 Setup in API Connector

I thought I would add a screenshot on how to set up Xero Oauth2.0 in bubbles API connector, to save other people time in setting it up. You will obviously need to use your own Client ID and client Secret


UPDATE: Now I use a different method

This screenshot shows you how to get an access token for XERO

Username and Password is obviously your API key and secret

Hi Adam,
I’m reviving the topic because I have a similaire case.
I’m building a client portal where contacts from my app should get access to their Zoho CRM data, and be able to POST some data from bubble to Zoho CRM if they update some information from the bubble app.

I’ve used the same method.
My question is around the refresh token.
How do you handle the automatic refresh so that there isn’t any cut in the connection with Zoho, or in your case Xero ?

Thanks for your help,

Should be the same with other platforms that has requires tokens. You save the user’s access and refresh tokens to the DB. You would then use the refresh token to get a new access token

Hey Matthieu,

So I create a seperate api workflow called “refresh token”, which you schedule to run when the token expires to update the record and prevent it from expiring.

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great, i’ve finally made it work, thanks

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Hi @adam30 @matthieu.bouilde ,

I was wondering if you could go into a little bit more detail surrounding the workflows needed to first store the necessary data , and to then update the token before its going to expire.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Hi @jonsmither6969 - I just did a Xero integration, I wrote up all the tricks I figured out here

I did this as part of creating a plugin - but all the information on setting up Xero, setting up refresh workflows, and using the Xero API - all apply even if you are using the API Connector. You could copy and adapt the example workflows in the demo app. :slight_smile: