I haven’t come here for help in a few months, but alas I must request assistance once more!
So here’s the deal.
I’m using the Stripe Marketplace plugin by Zeroqode.
I can now connect users to my account with an Express connection, but I still haven’t figured out how to get the Card Token created for the buyers on my page.
I get an error code that asks that I inform Zeroqode which I did, but haven’t gotten a reply yet (it’s only been a handful of hours, I’m sure they got shit going on or whatever)
Anyways, if anyone has some time to take a look at the issue Id appreciate it.
My whole gripe with accessing APIs like Stripe through plugins is that there is no margin for error. If you get one tiny thing wrong you get a non-descript error message like that and you’re left scratching your head. It’s also probably not that easy for the plugin creator to help you as they need to review your workflows from top to tail to figure out the issue.
When you set these things up directly in the API connector, you’ll see the actual error message that comes back, and often (not always) that can help you diagnose what you’ve done wrong. In this example I’ve put in the wrong API key and it tells me so I know what I need to go and fix.
Stripe is one of those APIs that I really love, as they have really great documentation and the API calls are really really quick to set up. In most cases I’m fairly sure all the plugin is doing is masking the API call.
Now I get that this doesn’t solve your specific problem, but I guess I’m just demonstrating how easy it is to set these things up. Here’s an example of an API call to stripe to create new customer…
This part common for all calls to Stripe. The xxx is your API key
Honestly, Im down to do whatever will solve my problem, but I’m so far from technical is sadder than it is laughable.
Are you saying that the Api connector can do all the things the plugin can do, if so why am I not using it, finally, where do you suggest I go to learn how to connect and utilize it?