Creating a friendly or easily readable url

It certainly is possible. I use it for my app.

The term I would use is a “friendly or easy readable url”.

The way to think about what is happening is that the url path is just like a file directory. For the url you are telling the browser to look in “” then open up the folder “example”.

So in bubble you can add anything you want at the end of the url string. It doesn’t care. But it doesn’t know what you want to bring back either. So what you need to do is first define what the url string looks like then decide how you want to access that string.

Here are my examples of usage:

Here I’m telling bubble how to open the new url - I use external website so I can define the whole string the way I want. Website home url will just load your home domain. Then I inject industry because that’s the bubble page I want. Then I put a slash and put in a unique friendly ID. In this case it’s the Industries’s name.

On the Industry table I have name and I specifically named them unique so that bubble can tell which one to get.

Now there is a trick to using this on the page you end up. You have to go look up in the url and bring that unique name down into your data so that your page knows what to look for.
Otherwise you have a page but no data to lock onto.

So here’s the way I set that up…

I tell the group it is of type Industry. Then I do a search for Industries. In the constraints I tell it the Name contains what at the end of the url string. Make sure to specify path.

Now your group will know exactly what it’s parent is and you can use the parent functions to pull back any specific data you want.

My example…

The beauty of this is that you can use that friendly url as a direct url and it will automatically populate your data because you defined your page to look and see what’s at the end of the url string.

The only drawback I found is that for SEO you need to use extra workflows to populate the page otherwise the SEO ends up blank for the tags.

But this is well worth it to have a friendly url capability.