A new free plugin has just been posted to the store. Detect user presence and test to see whether he is active, idle or hidden.
Usage is simple:
Add plugin element Efactive to the page
That’s it! The plugin will start to return the current user presence in its exposed states. the plugin can also trigger an event when the user is active, idle or hidden. This way you don’t have to do a thing every x sec…
Exposed states of the plugin:
States exposed under Term meaning:
active: The user is currently active
idle: The idle timer has expired and the user is not active
hidden: The user is not currently active on the same tab, or cannot be monitored
Idle for
How long the user has been idle for in milliseconds
Time left
Time remaining till idle in milliseconds
Time left %
The percentage till timeout as a decimal. Please note that this can be greater than 100% if the browser is hidden
Is idle
Returns yes/no if the user is idle. This will remain as no if the browser is hidden
Please thank @_Scott for sponsoring this plugin. Many thanks @_Scott
Thanks for this plugin. I’ve added the element to one of my group pages (set as a state, but always visible). It’s the landing page for all my users. Where do I see the output of this plugin? Do I need to set up a repeating group somewhere to report the user status? I tried logging in a few times with efactive on my main element page, but not seeing anything nor know where to see the results.
Hey @AliFarahat
How could I set up a counter similar to Google Analytics (below) where it shows all of the users logged on and present and count them? This helps with knowing when and when not to push updates to my app in order to minimize disruptions for my users.
Is there any trick to getting the plugin to work on a Header. It works fine on individual page but was looking for a quick solution to apply it to the whole site?
Yes. Add it to the header, and on change of status let it call a workflow API or data API for the changes you want. This way you can free the front end activities
What is the best practice for changing users status to hidden if user just closes the browser? Then status workflow can’t run? Do i need to have an api workflow to search and change statuses?
Create a field ‘loggin’ in your User database. Loggin= yes when the user logged in. If the user shut down the page (or closed his computer), then you will never know if the user is still online. With Efactive, you received the info if the user is going back to live. Make sense?
I’m going to break down what you said to see if I got it right
Set Current User’s Logged In = “yes” if Current User is logged in
User leaves site, Logged In stays yes
Check if user is really logged in by…?
It would have helped to mention that I want to show a repeating group of all users that are currently on the site
You can’t know. The only thing you know is if the user return to your site, then Efactive will send you an ‘alive’ value. Once you are logged in, Bubble let you in that state. So when you return, it knows.