How do i add things together in RG

hey bubblers

how do I add the data from thing within RG,
my end goal is to get and average price with diff in percentage

thanks for all help

Not 100% clear but…

If you are trying to get the average price for each row then try Currentcell’s asset’s asset price/Currentcell’s asset unit.

If you are trying to add all the items from the Repeating Group then try RepeatingGroup asset’s asset price:sum

I hope this is at least a step in the right direction.

:sum is only available when its a list?

I think so. You could also try using the + to sum different elements provided they are integers or currency.

Can be formatted as currency, but right now I can chose those data that I need how do I do that

It doesn’t allow you to choose from the dynamic data option? :thinking:

thanks for your help I didn’t have a list for it was my mistake, solved now

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