Make a sum of data in a repeating group

hi guys
im trying to make a offer module where my user are suppose to create offers to there customer and when they then add a product or service line in the offer it should calculate that to a end price…

my struggle is now that i want the individual prices from each line in the RG to be calculated to a sum of them all…
but i cant seem to get that data out and end with a total sum…

is there anyone there can help me solve this?

Use a dynamic expression that references the RG list of things and the data field of the thing that is the price, then use the :sum operator

Repeating Groups List of Products each items Price:Sum

hi @boston85719 thank you for your answer…
my issue with your expression is that my price for each line is a text element with a calculation expression in
like this:

so i cant use the each items price expression in it
and also… i forgot to say that im using the table RG not the normal one :sweat_smile:

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