In admin panel it uploads a file using File Uploader, it saves in db the full path+ file name, it is working well.
Now, on front end I want to show this file on popup window.
I am able to get the “full path+ file name” from db, but it does not show the file.
How can I show it on my popup window?
What kind of element should I use for this purpose?
The file may be different extensions- txt, pdf, png, jpg, doc, etc…
Well there is not really one stop solution here… i have implements 4 things…
Image element to show images
Google docs viewer to show google docs (Zerocode plugin)
Office viewer to show office 365 docs (embedded using html element)
PDF viewer to show pdfs.
I layered them all on top of each other, and turn things on and off based on the file extension itself.
There is one other thing you can do… use zapier to send the file to cloudconvert, Use zapier to send the cloud convert screen shot to your own AWS S3 bucket. You can pre-configure the name to match the ID of the uploaded file, which lets you hardcode the path to the new file.
So fire off to zapier, connect to Cloud Convert, Name to new file the bubble upload ID, store in S3 bucket, and then call from bubble using the s3 bucket path + file name pulled from orignal ID.