New Responsive Engine [beta] is Live!

@nick.carroll can there be a feature added to allow the margins to be dynamic?

I know we already have an ability to set a margin property to be a different set value in the conditional tabs, which is great, but that is still just allowing us to say go from 20px to 10px in one fell swoop.

Would be great to set the margin to be dynamic to say it is originally 20px and it will incrementally be contracting from 20, to 19, to 18 and so on, so that it moves and shrinks the same way normal elements would.

Also, in terms of the properties to change on our conditionals, it would be optimal to have access to all of the formatting options. As of right now, the only Layout properties we can change conditionally are the margins. It would be very useful to have access to all of the layout properties from the conditionals…having access to them will enable us to create layouts that don’t require ‘duplicated’ elements when the alignments need to be adjusted.

One use case is that in the past we needed custom code to alter the default behavior of a container moving to the next line if it was on the right and had another container to it’s left. The custom code allowed us to make it so the right container was stacked above the left container rather than the default of the right being underneath the left. This was especially useful when there was a set of icons on the right that when page resized it was pushed underneath and inaccessible, so the custom code allowed it to go to the top and remain accessible.

Another use case is not duplicating content. A recent video demonstrating a messaging system when we need right alignment for messages from the current user and left alignment for messages from the other conversation participants. The only way at this point would be to duplicate the content, set visibility conditionals and collapse height and have the two containers stacked on top of each other within the repeating group. If we could conditionally change the alignments we could achieve the setup with a single set of elements.