Premium Template - Dashboard, CRM & 3 Websites

You can find a Reference to the ‘Notes’ section in the post just above in this thread.

For adding a new page to the Dashboard here are instructions:

On the Dashboard, and within the FloatingGoup SideMenu, Right Click one of the Groups (such as Group Home) and use ‘Copy with Workflows’ then right click to ‘Paste with Workflows’. Rename this group and the Text within it to your desired name.

Move the Group within the floating group using the arrow buttons to line it up so as not to overlap with the other elements.

Change the Conditional on the new Group to match the URL parameter you wish to use (change from “home” to “yourtext”), the parameter can be named anything you wish, but make sure it is different from the names used on the other Button Groups.

Now also copy and paste “Group Home”, this one being the large group that acts as a Page in the Dashboard. Under the conditional tab for this new group, change the “home” text to match the same URL parameter you chose for the Button Group - this will tell the Page when to show up.

Change condition on each the Icon, on Text, on Group to match parameter you want to use and match it with the Group you want to Show. This will tell these elements to change color when the URL parameter is a match (when the corresponding page is showing)

Select the new group and from the group menu select “Start Edit Workflow”

This workflow should be a Go To Page workflow. The page you want to go to is the current one you are on, but you need to send a URL parameter, so make sure the “Send more parameters to page” is checked yes.

The Parameter Key name is called ‘view’, and you must make sure that you name the actual parameter equal to the text you used on the Group, Icon, Text and Page so that they change conditions in unison when the same parameter is present. They must match exactly (recommend using all lower case letters)

If you are looking for more information on how to use URL parameters to show and hide elements, as well as the benefits of using Parameters, check out this forum thread: Architecture layout best practice: one page with multiple functions/groups vs multiple pages