Setting up a calendar's paydays

I have had a play today and managed to create workflows that auto-generate and populate the calendar :grinning:

You need to use custom schedule event triggers.

  1. You cannot use normal workflow trigger as you overflow the stack (Exception Thrown), so need to use scheduled triggers, which I set at 1 second.
  2. A custom workflow cannot call itself, so you need to use 2 duplicated paths which call each other with each event creation.
  3. The button creates the first event in the sequence and passes this to the custom triggers to use as a base line.
  4. The custom trigger then creates another event based on the baseline + the additional days, this new one then gets passed on as the new baseline.
  5. Each trigger checks it is not creating a new event beyond the end date for the sequence. I have limited the end date to a maximum of 2 years beyond the start date to prevent someone setting a date in the next century and flooding the system!

Here is the running demo:

And here is the page in the editor:

Hope this helps, thanks for the exercise to get the grey matter thinking :wink: