Set weekly events with Bubble Calendar Plug In

Hi everyone,

I’ve been really struggling to solve this these past several days :pensive:
Simply, I’m trying to have my calendar be able to add events. Specifically repeat events weekly/monthly. Pretty common request for users to set an event to repeat weekly until a specific EndTime.

Any guidance, walkthroughs, YouTubers, or the like I would greatly appreciate it.

My leg work so far --> I have followed this demo in depth & after following the debugging steps, workflows and construction, and I, perhaps, may be stuck on the Custom States. Recurring event in calendar plugin


You could explore how recurring backend workflows work. In short, you will be scheduling the creation of future entries in your dB … in this case events.

They were called api workflows but now they are referred to as backend workflows. Here, an introductory video:

Hope this helps! :+1:t2:

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