(SOLVED) How to create a sequential 10 digit ID number

Hello guys,

Every time a user creates a client I want to assign a sequential number of 10 digits with this formatting starting always by a 500… For example:

  • First client: 5000000001 (10 digits)

  • Second client: 5000000002 (10 digits)

  • Client number ten: 5000000010 (10 digits)

  • Client number eleven: 5000000011 (10 digits)

  • … the list can grow up to a thousand or maybe more.

I think there are two possible workarounds, one is with workflows and the other is with field initial content. I rather not use workflows because of the workflow count.

I found out to do it with a do a search for “clients”, “last item” “+1” but I don´t know how to maintain the 10 digits because if you put something like 5…9 (10 digits) the next one will be incremented by a number 10 at the final causing a 11 digits.

Thanks a lot.

Just found how to do it.

I´ve to say Bubble is awesome.

If anyone has the same question. I´ve achieved to get this solved playing just with the initial content in an input (integer) and then saving it to a field (number). Then whenever a user creates a new client this ID is set to +1 from the latest client.



Hey Ryan, can you share how you did this please? I’m looking at something similar here.

Much appreciated!


Sure, I´ll be glad to help.

So what I did to get this done:

  1. Create a field on the new client page
  2. Set the initial content withe “do a search for” for the “last item´s_field + 1”
  3. Then as I want to increment the number with a format of 5…1 what I did is create a conditional that checks if there are any client, and if not the first one will be set as “5000000001”. Then when +1 runs, it will be 5…2, 5…3, …

Hope this helps @kfhwdd