100% height not working as intended w/ repeating group

Hey Bubble forum, :wave:

I’m working on a page that I do not want to see exceed the viewport height. I made a left menu (100% height), and a group page (100% height).
In this group, I have a heading (15%) a main group (70%) and a button group (15%).

In the main group, I only have a repeating group. Until here, everything goes as intended :+1:

Problem : I can expand cells in my RG, so I can see details of the object displayed. When I expand, the group gets bigger and the whole page gets bigger than the screen (really ugly).

Please see the screenshots :

Cell not expanded, everything works fine, only the RG is scrollable

Cell expanded, page getting bigger, even the left menu

If anyone has an idea, I would love to know why this is happening.
Thanks ! :slight_smile: