A Bubble alternative to Google Analytics

I am trying to completely de-Google my life as I feel Google are ethically no longer a good fit for me or my business.

I have been fine finding great alternatives (better in my opinion) for Chrome and GMail, but still looking for an alternative to Google Analytics. I know there are lots of analytics tools out there, but ideally I was hoping to have something on my own site, rather than using a pixel or some script for a third party site. In otherwords, trying to make it so that when people visit my app there are little to no third party scripts or tracking of any kind.

Is this a crazy aim, or might there already be something out there that would do the job? Any ideas great appreciated.

Depends on how wild you want to go with analytics. There are aggressive and also minimal solutions out there that you can run in your app’s pages and send the data to an API endpoint (backend workflow) in your app and have it inside your app’s database.
Or send to another API elsewhere you own yourself.

They should load fine even with adblockers since they’ll come from the app’s normal code and not from blacklisted URLs.

In short: Yeah it’s possible and you can decide how much you want to track.

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