Was there a change made in the last day or two related to how Bubble handles uploaded files to S3? I haven’t changed anything in my app’s code, but any files that were recently uploaded are now giving an error message when I try to access them:
I’ve checked my privacy rules and don’t see any issues there. I noticed that the link to the files in my app are now using my subdomain as opposed to linking to bubble.io’s cdn. Perhaps something recently changed with that which is causing this new error behaviour?
Were you able to solve this issue?
Im having the same error
{“error_class”:“Unauthorized”,“args”:{“code”:“1712935386642x943467772010545800”},“message”:null,“translation”:“Sorry, you do not have permission to view data for this app.”}
Thank you for the reply.
I found a solution. I was opening my email on a different browser than then one that had my account loged in and that was the issue.
I’m currently stuck on video #64, “Downloading File” (Lesson 7.4) of the new “Getting Started with Bubble Series” YouTube course by Gregory John.
I get a quite similar error: {“error_class”:“Unauthorized”,“args”:{“code”:“1729242195772x995678094512948600”},“message”:null,“translation”:“Permission denied”}
In the course, we learn how to build a job board, and I keep getting an error every time I try to download a candidate’s CV (PDF file), even though I’m logged in as a company. I’ve double-checked the privacy rules, and everything seems to be set up correctly, especially the “view attached file” permission.