I am now trying to access these images outside of bubble, but cannot access the S3 bucket without having the region name and the access key. Is there anywhere in my app where I can find this information or does bubble not allow users to access the automatically created AWS buckets outside of the bubble app?
Hey @lee1 ! Thank you for a quick reply.
Adding the https:// does not seem to resolve the issue. I have tried clicking on the image link and the browser automatically adds the https.
I am not sure how to check that setting for existing data types but I have never clicked the option to make anything private when creating all the data types so I assume bubble makes it public by default.
Hey thank you for the clarification! It says the data type is visible to everyone, so the issue has to be somewhere else.
Thank you for taking the time to help me!
Hey! I do not see where the space is. If you look in the screenshot above of the html I sent, the url inside the tag looks correct to me.
Let me know if I am overseeing something
outside the bubble app, if you issue a get on the URL , are you getting a 403 return code? wild guess, read the data api docs, open up access to data api, make a data call via the data api for the img , supplying in the headers the access token , get the blob and THEN supply the blob to your html.img.src tag/attr vallue
@rowntreerob first of all thank you for this new way of solving the problem.
I can now access the data from just making calls to the api in my bubble app. My python script now gets the data needed, however the URL I receive for the images are still in the same format.