I need to be able to add minutes to a date in a create or make changes to a data thing. A service pulls back a start and a duration and I want to store an end date through a calculation. The duration is in minutes. I saw only one post on it that mentioned multiplying by 60 which makes sense except bubble interface wont’ let you add * 60 in the formula. Am I complete crazy or is there anyway to do this. Appreciate any help to avoid me writing an entire plugin or api just to add minutes. Thanks!!!
you can use a custom state number to calculate the 60 and after use this state to add seconds.
Or you can have a number field in your DB to also add minutes input60 on a first action than update Step 1 with the date:add(seconds)(step one number field)
thanks! my work around was your db option which seems odd to do another db step just due to that. is this an oversight on bubble or is there a reason there is no add minute?
I don’t know why there’s no minute option.
I recommend to use State instead (should be faster).
yeah…so set a custom state on something and it allows me to calculate on it? thanks!!!
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