I have a dropdown to select types of videos (baseball, football, etc.). Initially, the repeating group shows all videos. Selecting an item in dropdown (eg ‘baseball’) shows just those videos of type baseball. Can select any one type and see those videos.
Is there a way to have an ‘All’ option where I could see all the videos (as I get initially)?
Thanks - I had seen that but didn’t understand the “then put in a :plusitem which is set to “All”” part
I have CategoryType (the ‘options’ of type text) and “this input should not be empty” is checked (so I don’t have a blank entry in the dropdown at the top.
But wasn’t sure how/where to use the “:plus item” - see if in reference but not sure exactly what to do w/it…
My Type of choices is not “text” directly - it’s VideoCategory which is my list of those items (that show in my dropdown). When adding “All” get an error (even though not showing in image):
My customer data type VideoCategory has a “name” field of type “text”