Adding zip code polygons to Map?

If I have a shapefile of all US zip codes, is there a plugin that anyone would recommend I use to build that as a layer onto a map in Bubble?

To add to this question - there are a couple of plugins that I have found; Map Extender and Map Extended. My initial approach was to create KML and GeoJSON versions of a US ZCTA shapefile. However, both of those files are over 120MB - unviable, really.

What would be a more efficient approach if my use case is to show the zip code boundary for a specific address that I lookup with the app? Would the best approach be to create a separate geojson/kml file for each distinct zip code and load that dynamically?

For example, using the zips extracted here:

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Solution is to use Zerocode’s map plugin. Was able to get it to work nicely with my use case

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